Day Eight Adventure: Join a Drum Circle Drop your inhibitions and beat drums, dance and sing.
Have you ever been to a drum circle, have you ever lost yourself in the rhythm of the music and the energy of the group? This is your task! Find a drum circle, perhaps on the beach, a park or maybe the woods. To locate a drum circle near you go to Next pick an instrument that will bring out the wild in you, one which enables you to get a good taste of it. Perhaps it's a drum, a didgeridoo, a flute or even hula hoop. In Clarrissa pinkola Estes book, Woman who run with Wolves, she talks about “ The Wild Woman” and how through old stories we can access her. Clarrissa also mentions that the wild women speak to us through sound. Through music which vibrates the sternum and excites the heart. It resonates so right that we are able to remember for a minute our wild self. Let her out!
WalkAbout Wild journal prompt: What instrument did you choose? Why? Did you allow yourself to be open enough to let her out? Pose of the Day: Dancer’s - Let your heart be open to the dance of life. Benefits: Teaches grace, poise and balance while the whole body works. Activates the First through Fourth Chakras with assistance from the sixth for balance.
How to Dancer: Begin in Mountain, lengthen through the torso. Ground down into left foot as you bend the right knee, heel to bottom. Clasp right ankle from the inside of the foot, knees stay together as the left arm reaches for the sky. Stay here or push into the right hand which naturally brings the torso forward.
"The gift of the drum circle is we all gather together to connect on a deep level. We feel each other's joys and challenges." ~ Sally Bonkrude, Music Therapist