Day Five Adventure: Your Medicine Bag. Create a powerful tool to open you up to beauty, transformation and protection. And to honor all your teachers and ancestors whose shoulders we stand on.
Today's activity- create a medicine bag and wear it close to your heart. You are connecting with your spiritual self, the authentic you and always remembering who you are and where you came from. So, what exactly is a medicine bag? A medicine bag is an ancient item that spiritually represents the person who wears it. In 1991 the body of a man who lived over 5,000 years ago was found frozen in a high mountain range and with him was a medicine bag. The medicine bag is known in all cultures and throughout all of history. They contain objects such as leaves, feathers, stones, herbs such as sweet grass, sage, cedar, lavender or pinion, and other objects which have been added by the wearer and considered spiritually significant.
Medicine bags can be as small as 1 inch by 1 inch or as large as 30 inches in length. They are typically made of leather and you can purchase such a bag to make your own at most metaphysical stores. You can find plenty of DIY patterns online.
The reasons to carry a medicine are for guidance, healing and protection. Most medicine bags contain a quartz crystal as one of its objects. Quartz energy resonates with all the energies of the physical body and is considered a remarkable healing stone. It connects you to your spiritual self.
In Clarrisa Pinkolas book, Woman who run with the wolves, she mentions a dream she had where she was standing on the shoulders of an old woman who was steadying her ankles and smiling up at her. Clarrisa said, “ No, No, come stand on my shoulders for I am young and you are old. “No, No,” the old woman insisted this is the way it is supposed to be.” Clarissa saw that woman was standing on the shoulders of a woman older than she who stood on a woman's shoulder who was older. And so on.
WalkAbout Wild journal prompt: What will you put in your bag? Who will you honor? What materials did you use? Pose of the Day: Upward Salute Benefits: stretches the side body and the entire spine. Opens heart and lungs to our ancestors, to the moon and to the stars. Stimulates the first, second and third Chakras.
How to Upward Salute: From Mountain Pose inhale your arms overhead reaching for the sky elongating the side body. Feel your feet supported by the earth and our ancestors. Exhale hands to heart center.
"Crystals, herbs, feathers, bones and good intentions make medicine bag magic."- Traci Weber