Day Nine Adventure: Awaken Let the call of the wild awaken you.
Today I’d like you to ask yourself “What would I like to wake up?” Is there something that has been asleep in me. Dormant? Something buried by limiting ideas, by a lack of self esteem? What is it? Perhaps you’d like to awaken your body, your breath, your creativity, your sexuality, your wild, your potential or maybe your divine feminine energy. (Take a Kundalini Yoga class for that one!). This is your wake up call ! Your challenge today is to sit, be still and know. And here’s the cool thing, there is no right or wrong way to do this. Simply, sit in silence, bringing awareness to your breath and let the awakening happen! Make a plan and go about your business to make it a reality. If your awakening doesn’t happen today, keep at it. Rome wasn’t built in a day!
WalkAbout Wild journal prompt: Sooooo, What did you awaken? How do you do it? What's your plan?
Pose of the Day: Standing Prayer Back Bend. Benefits: Improves balance with both the body and the mind. It creates a wakefulness which is essential for balance and growth. Activates the Third - Sixth Chakras . WOOT WOOO How to SPBB: Begin in Mountain pose rooting through both feet. Keep your tailbone tucked under, belly drawn in, and heart forward. Release the tension in your shoulders and stand tall, reaching up through the crown of your head. On and inhale reach arms to the sky, palms touch. On your exhale draw gaze and fingertips back and hips forward. Ease on into a gentle back bend.
“When awakened we radiate energy and fully engage in life.” ~ Janelle Schmidt