Day 19 Adventure: Go for a hike! Play among the trees, lay down and rustle in the leaves.
Hey you- Take a hike! Here’s what you need to do. Grab your backpack and find a hiking spot you have never been to ~#adventure. One that is a gentle to a moderate hike. Did you know that hiking clears the mind and reduces stress. Hiking makes us happier and improves sleep! People who spend time in nature are found to have better memories, less anxiety and depression. Taking a hike is a great way to free up the mind in order to solve a problem. It also allows us to reconnect with ourselves and nature opening us up to a heightened sense of spirit. It gives us the opportunity to live in the present moment, to see nature and all it has to offer. Take a breath and take a hike!
WalkAbout Wild journal prompt: Where did you go? What did you see? How did your body feel as you hiked? Pose of the day: Warrior 2. Benefits: Stretches your hips, groins and shoulders. Opens your chest and lungs. Builds stamina and makes you feel courageous.Chakras ignited First, Second and Third.
How to Warrior 2: From mountain pose step the right foot back 4 feet and turn foot to a 45 degree angle. Bend left knee with toes point directly forward. Reach arms shoulder height, tuck ribs in and bring belly to your spine. Gaze is fixed over the front hand.
“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” John Muir