Day One Adventure: Set yourself up to successfully go from Mild to Wild. Give yourself permission to get dirty, step outside your societal cage and find your wild. Get ready to be a free spirit who practices the yoga poses outside as to align yourself with nature. Join the WalkAbout Wild Facebook group and share photos and thoughts about your adventures!
Welcome to day one, the beginning, your becoming, the day you seek and find your wild. Give yourself permission to pounce on this challenge with childlike abandon, enthusiasm and hope, but with an adult eye for safety. You will be challenged to go outside, get naked, dance in the rain and howl at the moon, =====]
The set up: Set aside a specific time each day to do your challenge! Put it (in ink) on your calendar, put a reminder in your phone, attach a sticky note on your fridge-wherever you need to do in order to set yourself up for success. Go out and get a journal, a pair of good sneaks or hiking boots,(BTW, while hiking the PCT, Cheryl Strayed wore Raichle boots, a size too small), a reusable water bottle and tap into your sense of adventure!
Next: Now, create your own WalkAbout Wild Kit- Find your favorite backpack and add a blanket to sit or lay on, water bottle, this challenge, a snack, bandaids, mala beads, crystals…… as you journey through this challenge, you will have opportunities to make meaningful additions to your kit. Find give yourself permission to get dirty, step outside your societal cage and find your wild.
Get ready to be a free spirit who practices the yoga poses outside as to align yourself with nature. Join the WalkAbout Wild Facebook group and share photos and thoughts about your adventures!
WalkAbout Wild journal prompt:
Why do you want to return to your wild self? How do you want to feel at the end of this challenge? What meaningful gift would you add to your WalkAbout Wild Kit? Get a starter kit at Continue writing in your journey. Are you ready to find your wild? Pose of the Day : Goddess! Be open to the power of the Goddess, which radiates from your core and gives you the courage to rise up and meet the challenges ahead. OHHHHHH that’s good Ju- Ju right there. Benefits Builds personal power and teaches us the balance between will and surrender. This pose strongly activates Third, Second and First Chakras.
How to Goddess: Start in mountain pose. Stand with your feet about 4ish feet apart- toes out heals in. On the exhale bend knees over toes and bend elbows. Pelvis searches for the mat. Elbows as high as your shoulders.
"I’m a free spirit who never had the balls to be free." - Cheryl Strayed.