Day Six Adventure: Peaches in the rain~ A sweet return to your wild child.
Over the summer I was teaching a beach yoga class, it began to lightly drizzle. Always, wanting my students to have a fulfilling experience, I was instantly so concerned with the reaction from the students. Did they want to leave immediately, was it refreshing due to the heat of the day? What about their hair? Will the rain get steadier and include thunder and lightning? Then I remembered the most pleasant memory, when I was a young (tomboy) girl- During the summer, I absolutely LOVED eating peaches while walking, running and dancing in the rain. What better way to eat these sweet, juicy summer gifts. Taking a bite of the peach and watching the juice run down my arm as it mixed with the cool rain. Damn- that is a great childhood memory. I shared this story with the class and without realizing I asked out loud, “Why did I ever stop?” All 17 students stayed and practiced with me in the rain and they LOVED it- “That was refreshing” That was invigorating and liberating.” “I felt like a kid again” are some of the comments I received. Delish!
So, your challenge today is: Go eat peaches in the rain. Feel the sprinkle of water on your face, taste the sweetness of the peach, splash in the water- Get Wet Get Wild.
WalkAbout Wild journal prompt: What favorite childhood memory do you have that invokes your wild? Did you enjoy the task?
Pose of the Day: Childs Pose Rest in the essence of your being, a child of nature and the universe. Benefits: forward flexion of the spine. Allows you to rest and digest as you connect with your breath. This pose relaxes all 7 chakras.
How to Child: Begin in table top, tops of the feet on the floor. On and exhale shift your hips back to allow the sit bones to rest on your heels: Benefits: forward flexion of the spine.
"Hold the hand of the child that lives in your soul, for this child nothing is impossible." ~Paulo Coelho