Day 10 Adventure: Moon Bath Allow the full moon to release what no longer serves you and invite an expansion of the mind and body.
The full moon is a powerful time for gratitude and to graciously acknowledge the beauty of life itself and all its stages. To honor your strengths and weaknesses, your courage and your fears. Here’s your challenge: During the evening of the next full moon, grab your WalkAbout Wild kit and head outside. Find a lovely spot, have a seat and close your eyes. As you breathe in allow the moon beams to warm your heart giving you the opportunity to love yourself just as you are. On the exhale let the light of the moon take your fears and troubles away. Visualize the things you want to release and say” I choose to let you go” or you might even howl….. WalkAbout Wild journal prompt: Did you feel the moon's energy? What sensations came up for you? Did you howl? I sure hope so!
Pose of the Day: Half Moon Pose. Frees blockages from the Chakras by directing energy up the spine. Activates first, second and third Chakras with Sixth as a balance point. This is a challenging pose for the mind, the body and the breath.
How to Half Moon: Begin in runners lunge with your right foot forward. Reach your right hand sixish inches on the floor in front of you and slightly to the right. Exhale and straighten the right leg as you lift the left off the floor- Find a long torso and raise your left hand and gaze to the sky. Breath here.