Day 25 Adventure: Close your eyes, tune in and LISTEN. Let go of your human ears and listen to nature with the sharpness of a dog's ears.
Have you forgotten how to listen? How to listen with curiosity and not with the need to respond? Animals listen to the sound of nature to gather information, to tune into the environment around them. That’s our task for today. To quiet our monkey minds and tune into the sounds around us. We have a lot to hear!
For today's activity, if you are comfortable doing so, find a piece of cloth to use as a blindfold or perhaps a yoga eye pillow. Go to a quiet natural space. Wherever you land go ahead make yourself comfy cozy! Using the cloth or eye pillow, cover your eyes and open your ears and turn up the volume. Listen to what the natural world has to say. What can you "see" when you listen? Notice after a while how the mind wanders from listening to worrying or planning- simply bring it back and listen. WalkAbout Wild journal prompt: What did you hear? How did it make you feel? Did you imagine your ears turning in the direction of a sound? Pose of the day: Downward Dog: Benefits: Strengthens arms and shoulders. Tones the core and waist. Lengthens hamstrings and calves. Balances all seven Chakras. How to Dog: Begin in a strong table position. On the exhale ground down into hands and shift your hips high and back. Allow the heart to melt toward your thighs as you wrap your shoulders back and down.
Be as passionate about listening as you are about wanting to be heard."~ Brene Brown