Day 29 Adventure: Go on a Wanderful Adventure! To travel is to live- Book it Danno! In 2016 my daughter and I went on a 10 day trip to the Southwest. We needed to be alone together to clear our heads and our hearts after the 2016 Election. We couldn't think of a better way than healing in nature. We met in Vegas, ate dinner, watched the Hunger Games and was asleep by 10. The next morning, we packed up our clothies, packed our car and started out. We hiked in Zion, Grand Canyon, Antelope Canyon. We slept in log cabins, tents and teepees. We laughed and cried, did yoga and ziplined. We(I) faced our (mine) fears (heights) head on, with dignity, ok I almost vomited, and levity (I didn’t laugh once) Your challenge- book your find your wild trip. Get out there, be alive, wander, roam, awaken and explore. But most of all Walk the fuck About Wild!
WalkAbout Wild journal prompt: Where would you like to go? Would you go alone or with your person? Yoga Pose: Warrior Three. Benefits: strengthens the whole back side of the body, including the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, ankles, and back. It also tones and strengthens the abdominal muscles. First, Second and third chakras activated with help from the sixth for support.
How to Warrior Three: Begin standing in Mountain Pose, inhale to reach your arms up overhead, and as you exhale, begin to extend your right leg straight back behind you as you shift your weight into your left foot and leg. Keep the right foot flexed and active (toes pointing down), and find a strong line of energy along the right leg and out through the right heel. Lift the inner line of the right thigh higher, and drop the right hip down to ensure it remains level with the left. Engage the left quadricep to keep the standing leg strong without locking and/or hyper-extending the left knee. Straighten both legs as much as possible. Move toward bringing the torso parallel to the floor. Tone the core and keep the low belly in to create more stability in your upper body. Keep the gaze down and the neck in a relaxed, neutral position. Remain in the pose anywhere from 5 to 10 breaths. To come out of the pose, slowly bring the right foot back to meet the left and raise the torso to a vertical position. When ready, repeat on the other side.