Day 21 Adventure: Plant Magic. Plant Magic or Plant Magic you choose your task today. Pose of the day: Seed pose. Benefits: Seed pose allows the entire body to rest and gives you the time to plant your seeds of intention. All 7 Chakras are in alignment.
How to Seed Pose: Begin lying on your back. Draw your knees into your heart, the roll onto your left side. Extend the left arm to the back of your mat and rest your head. Place the right hand on the floor for balance. Close your eyes and plant your magic.
As I was writing this it occurred to me that there are two ways we can go with this. Ask yourself, do you want to Plant Magic or learn about Plant Magic? Choose one or choose both. You’ll feel magical either way.
Task one: Make friends with a plant you are not familiar with. Start by asking the plant permission to get to know it and then sit with your new found friend for a while. Look at the shape of the plant, the color, texture and scent. Look at the plants growing around it.
Task two: Plant seeds of magic. Take yourself thru a 30 minute gentle Vinyasa class and as you are practicing plant seeds of magic during the poses. Seed of self love and compassion. Plant seeds of every aspect of your life you would like to grow. With each breath, each movement and each moment plant those seeds. As you rest in Savasana, ponder how you will nourish those seeds to their full potential.
WalkAbout Wild journal prompt: Which task did you choose? Did you choose both? Why? Pose of the day: Seed pose. Benefits: Seed pose allows the entire body to rest and gives you the time to plant your seeds of intention. All 7 Chakras are in alignment.
How to Seed Pose: Begin lying on your back. Draw your knees into your heart, the roll onto your left side. Extend the left arm to the back of your mat and rest your head. Place the right hand on the floor for balance. Close your eyes and plant your magic.
“Plant seeds of happiness, hope, success, and love; it will all come back to you in abundance. This is the law of nature.” Steve Mariboli from the book, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience