Day 27 Adventure: Nature Rubbing. Be-leaf in yourself and let go! Hopefully by now you are feeling that inner wildness. You are connecting with the child who ate peaches in the rain. Do you remember Leaf or Bark Rubbing as a kid? Go grab your WalkAbout Wild Backpack, white paper and crayons with the wrappers removed and let’s party!
Go out for a nature walk around your neighborhood or perhaps a favorite park near your childhood home and gather leaves, grass, flowers whatever catches your eye. Next find a tree and set up your outdoor art room. Next lay all your nature treasures out so you can see them all. Try and group colors and shapes together if you like. Place the white paper on top of your treasures and lay your crayon flat on the paper and rub away. Make sure to use different colors! You can also put the paper on the bark of the tree. Get creative be-leaf in yourself!
WalkAbout Wild journal prompt: What memories came up for you as you gathered your treasures? Where did you go and Why?
Pose of the day: Falling Leaf. Benefits: Improves balance and stability in the legs. Strengthens the bones of the hips and legs. All 7 Chakras are opened and activated. How to Falling Leaf Pose: Stand on two feet in mountain pose extend your strong arms at the shoulders horizontally. Shift your weight into your right leg as you raise the left leg, still extended to to the left. See how long you can manage to be strong and still before you let go of the pose. Repeat on the other side.
"Learn character from trees, values from roots and change from leaves." ~Tasneem Hameed Author Peace Activist.