Day 22 Challenge: The Great Clean Up A little Seva goes a long way!
In 1975, I lived in Port Chester New York and attended King Street School. I had the grooviest 6th grade teacher, Mrs Gentile. Early in the 1970s, The U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Clifford M. Hardin introduced Woodsy Owl and the slogan, “Give a Hoot don’t pollute”. There was a country wide call to action, to clean up our cities. Miss Gentile arranged a field trip for our class to clean up Chestnut street. Which was a hot mess! It took us ALL day! And that experience was the beginning of a lifelong love of volunteering for the greater good. Your challenge is to grab some gloves and trash bags and pick a place to clean up. And perhaps you inspire others like she inspired me. We only have one world- LOVE HER!
WalkAbout Wild journal prompt: Did you have a teacher that inspired you? Do you give a hoot? Where did you go to clean up?
Pose of the day: Forward Fold. Benefits: Soothes the nervous system and encourage introspection. All seven Chakras are in balanced
How to Forward Fold: From Tadasana inhale arms over head, stretching through your fingers. As you exhale, hinge from your hips and fold forward. Bowing with gratitude to earth and resting in her support.
" Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." ~Margaret Mead