Day Two Adventure: Creature Feature. Which creature would you be? Are you a butterfly or a bee?
Today’s challenge is to let go and reconnect yourself with the other beings in the natural world. To discover what it would be like to swim, to fly or to slither.
Grab your WalkAbout Wild Kit and find yourself a lovely pond, brook, stream or field. Set yourself up in a comfortable way, perhaps close to the shoreline. Take a look around and get familiar with your surroundings. Notice the trees, the grass, the way the water reacts to the breeze.What sounds do you hear? What is the temperature? In your minds eye begin to look at your surroundings from different angles. From the surface of the water, just below the water level… perhaps from the trees or even the sky. Take a look around and allow yourself to organically connect with a creature. Which are you drawn to? Allow yourself to Mind- Meld with this creature. Seeing the world through its eyes? Sense yourself walking, swimming, slithering through its day. Feel yourself roaming the pond, looking for food and being playful. Be still and be your creature.
WalkAbout Wild journal prompt: Which creature did you connect with? Why? How did it feel to swim, fly or slither? What do you think it means?
Pose of the Day: Frog Pose. Benefits: Opens hips to receive the good earth’s energy. Allow yourself to drop into the center of your being with courage, compassion and awe. This pose balances the First and Second Chakras.
How to Frog: Begin in Table Top. Drop down to forearms. Open thighs by walking knees straight out to the sides. Knees over ankles.
"I love to see the sunshine on dragonflies wings, there is magic in it." ~Ama H.Vanniarachchy